15 Ways to Teach the Letter A

13 Ways to teach the Letter i

Have some fun teaching your little one all, about the letter ‘p’ with these fun activities. Forget about being formal and sitting around looking at letters..these activities are creative and will get you moving while you learn.
- Light a candle and have your child puff the letter ‘p’ and see if he can make the flame wobble
- Make a paper pirate, pig, parrot or puppy
- Read a story or pre-prepared block of text that contains a lot of letter ‘p’s, have a pot of popcorn, your child eats one popcorn each time he hears a ‘p’
- Make a ‘p’ poster of all the ‘p’ objects you can find.
- Have a Wear Pink and Purple day
- Pose for a picture (photo), or ask your child to paint your portrait
- Make a ‘p’ shape with your body
- fill a bucket with bubbles or do this at bath time, have your child puff the bubbles off his hand as he says the letter ‘p’
- Dress up as a pirate, princess, postman, pig etc
- Make a ‘p’ meal: pizza, peaches, pasta, pumpkin, plums…
- play on a piano or build puzzles
- make a paper napkin parachute and attach a toy action figure/Lego man
- Cut out a large letter ‘p’. Glue dried pasta to the letter
- Write a postcard and post it in a postbox
- make a pretend Pizza Parlor and have your child make you fake paper plate pizzas with a choice of toppings: pineapple, pepperoni, peppers…
- Make a paper plate planet using sparkly bits of paper glued onto a paper plate
- Make a princess wand
I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.