Children do not often get many opportunities to use scissors; either because we forget about them or because we are too scared to let them have a go. However, cutting is an essential skill. Children need to practice often to hone their ability and what’s more , they love it.
How to improve Scissor Skills
Age group: 3 years+
What you need:
- Scrap paper, store catalogues, phone books or old magazines
- Child sized safety scissors.
What to do:
- Sit with your child and demonstrate how to cut a fringe along the edge of the paper.
- Begin with straight lines and when he is able to do those with ease, progress onto curved or wavy lines.
- You may like to draw lines for him to cut along.
- Teach him how to hold the paper to make cutting easier.
- When his cutting confidence (and yours) has grown. Page through magazines and cut out specific pictures. Don’t expect perfect cutting yet, just enjoy the activity.
- As he becomes more adept at cutting, choose a theme, find pictures for that theme and make a page in a scrapbook filled with those images your child has cut out.
Perhaps create an alphabet book and cut out images for each letter? Or maybe cut out images according to their colour. Whatever you decide, allow your child the time and experience he needs to develop hi scissor skills, and let him get enjoyment from them.
I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.