Banana Recipe Cream Pie

How to Wean your Baby

You know how you get stickers that you can scratch and sniff? Well here is my version of fun and smelly homemade paints! Well technically it’s not homemade paints, but altered paints since you use existing paints but turn them into smelly versions. That sounds odd, but what I mean is that you can make the painting session one that stimulates your child’s sense of smell by adding powdered drinks to the coloured paints to create ones that give off the scent of the drink used.
You can make orange, lemon, apple, black currant scented paint..you’re pretty much only limited by the powdered drinks you can find.
Table of Contents
Age group: 18 months+
What you’ll need: 
• Paints, any colours you like
• Powdered drink mix (unsweetened) like Kool-Aid
• Water
• Something to mix your paint in (egg-boxes or muffin tins work well).
What to do:
1. In a small container, mix 1 Tbsp of drink mix (this is an entire envelope of kool-aid) with 1 tsp of HOT water. Stir until the powder has dissolved.
2. Pour 1 tsp of paint into a small container (like an egg carton)and add the 1/2 tsp of the powdered drink mixture you made in step 1, to the paint, stir together well.
3. Make as much paint as you’d like just stick to the following ratios: for every tsp of paint add 1/2 tsp of your powdered drink mixture.
4.Repeat for each “flavour” of paint you’d like to use!
I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.