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Developing a passion for music is a valuable and enriching experience that everyone should have. With such a wide variety of musical styles available, there is undoubtedly something to captivate and resonate with every individual. As a parent, it is important to introduce your child to the world of music and nurture their appreciation for it. Even if, at first, it seems like your little one may not show much interest in music, it is worth persisting and exposing them to different genres and melodies.
Over time, children often develop a deep fondness for specific songs and tunes that resonate with them on an emotional level. Music possesses a remarkable ability to transport us to different times and places, evoking a range of emotions and memories. It can spark joy, bring comfort during difficult times, and serve as a form of self-expression. By introducing your child to music from a young age, you are opening doors to a vast and diverse world of sound that can deeply enrich their lives.
Engaging with music offers numerous benefits for children’s development. It enhances cognitive skills such as memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities. When children listen to music or actively participate in singing, playing instruments, or dancing, they are engaging multiple areas of their brain, stimulating neural connections and fostering creativity.
Music also plays a significant role in social and emotional development. It provides a means of communication and self-expression, allowing children to express their feelings and connect with others through shared experiences. Singing together, dancing in a group, or even attending concerts and performances can create bonds and foster a sense of community and belonging.
It can inspire imagination and storytelling. Music ignites the imagination, encouraging children to create narratives, characters, and even imaginary worlds that reflect the emotions and themes conveyed by the music they hear. This imaginative play not only enhances their creativity but also nurtures their language and communication skills.
Incorporating music into a child’s life can be done in various ways. You can play different genres of music at home, introduce them to live performances, enrol them in music classes, or even engage in musical activities together, such as singing or playing instruments. The key is to create a musical environment that encourages exploration, curiosity, and appreciation.
Introducing your child to the world of music is a gift that can last a lifetime. By persevering in exposing them to various musical styles and experiences, you can cultivate their passion for music and provide them with an invaluable outlet for self-expression, cognitive development, and emotional well-being. Embrace the power of music and watch as it enriches your child’s life, transporting them to new realms of imagination and emotion.
It is the perfect way to relax after a hard day at work. You don’t want your child to miss out on all music has to offer.
Ways your child can grow to love music
Start when they are young
When your child is a baby, you should sing to them or play them some music. Many studies have found that music can aid the development of young children. That means that playing tunes for your baby could help them to be intelligent in the future. You should choose soft songs that soothe your baby. If you always have some pretty music in the background, you will find that your child acclimatizes to it fast.
Play different music at home and in the car
As your child grows up, it is important that you play loads of different songs in the household. Don’t just stick to one genre of music – your child might have a different taste than you. Each morning put on some music while everyone is getting ready to go to work or school. Sometimes, you can let your child choose what you have on. Doing so will give your child a newfound respect for music and various songs.
We like to use music as a timer for completing tasks. I might put on a piece of music while they tidy their room or brush their teeth..the task has to be completed when the song ends. We also use music at the end of the day at bedtime. My children love falling asleep to audiobooks and music CDs. A soothing way to drift off.
I like to create playlists for car journeys that include music from lots of various styles, including music for children. I will include classical music, country, rock, pop, hip hop, music from various eras, ballads, easy listening etc..a real eclectic mix. My children will often volunteer their opinion on the ones they like or dislike…at which point we usually chat about what it is they do or don’t like.
Get them a musical instrument
If you want your child to do more than just love music, you should get them an instrument so that they can play music. At home, we have a large box specifically set aside for instruments. It is filled with maracas, shakers, tambourines, bells, a triangle, a small xylophone, castanets, whistles, a small set of cymbals, a small drum and sticks, a small play guitar and other little noise makers.
We also have a piano and a proper child-sized guitar which was a birthday gift to my son. These are available to my children at all times and they will often just wander over to the instruments for a play.
You could start them off with a keyboard from Markson Pianos so that they can learn the basics. Don’t force your child to practice playing music. That will make them hate it, and so they will never want to do it. Instead, you should act as though playing an instrument is a fun game. Encourage your kid to make up tunes and share them with you.
Children love to put on shows, and so this is an ideal way to get them to take an interest in music. My daughter loves to play her own tunes on our piano and has recently begun clarinet lessons. We now have a regular musical “jam” as we have enough instruments for everyone to have a go!
Encourage your child to sing
When you play a song, and your child decides to sing over it, don’t tell them off. You need to let your little one express themselves through music so that they enjoy it, rather than fear it. Children tend to sing all the time when they are little. If you encourage your kid to sing songs and show people their talents, you will find that they start to adore it. Make this a fun activity that you guys do together. You should commend your child when they sing to you so that they know it is a positive thing.
Show them that you love music
If you already have an interest in music, you might want to share it with your child. Tell them what artists and bands you love so that they can discover them for themselves. This method is an excellent way to bond with your child because it means that you will share an interest with them. You can chat about the songs that you love and lyrics that are meaningful to you.
Showing your children the value of music is one of the best things you can do for them. Aside from it being a fun way to engage with them – it will help to broaden their horizons.
I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.