Parenting & Child Development
As a parent you strive to provide an enabling environment, one that will support and extend a child’s development and learning and that ensures purposeful play. Tips and information to help you be a better parent.
25 February 2010
To give you a hint about what books are available for toddlers, I have searched through recommended lists and asked some mums for their toddlers favourites. This is what we […]
23 February 2010
Your angelic child is suddenly irritable, overactive or demanding. You’ve checked and she’s not hungry, cold/hot, bored or wearing a soiled nappy. So what could it be? Chances are she’s overtired.
21 February 2010
In modern times, with the invention of television, DVDs, games consoles, computers and other visual media, books have taken a less prominant role in our lives. So why is it still […]
19 February 2010
How do you know what types of books to choose for your baby or toddler? What can you do to encourage and foster a love of reading? Below I discuss […]
17 February 2010
Most babies and toddlers love books. They are often funny, bright and colourful, with loveable characters. But there are many reasons to read books that are less obvious. Take advantage […]
11 February 2010
Every parent wants to ensure that their child is healthy. How do you do this? How do you go about getting your toddler or small child to enjoy healthy eating? […]
8 February 2010
Here is a really quick and easy way to make a cute Heart-shaped person.
22 January 2010
What can parents do now to prepare their kids in the right direction towards thinking for themselves and making good (or better) choices? Experience tells us that prudence can be […]
10 January 2010
How This Simple Act of Affection Yields Major Gains in the Child’s Health, Disposition, and Overall Development. In a November 2005 issue of the “The Straits Times”, a leading Singapore […]
2 January 2010
Children of all ages love magnets. They are easy to come by and there are some really cheap varieties in office supply stores. You don’t need fancy shapes or colours.
30 December 2009
Nursery Rhymes series Part 1: We have decided to do a series of activity and crafts articles to help you and your toddler make the most of the Nursery Rhymes we […]
7 December 2009
Everyone loves Santa’s reindeer so here’s how to use your toddler’s foot and handprints to make this adorable reindeer face.