Parenting & Child Development
As a parent you strive to provide an enabling environment, one that will support and extend a child’s development and learning and that ensures purposeful play. Tips and information to help you be a better parent.
22 April 2014
St George’s Day is a time to celebrate the patron saint of England. It’s a super excuse to enjoy or learn about some of England’s customs and traditions, and also […]
15 April 2014
As a mother of 3 children, I occasionally get to hear these two highly irritating words: ” I’m Bored!” I detest it so much that it is now banned in […]
31 March 2014
Creating a sensory tub for different themes is a fabulous way to get your little one interested and learning about different special days, colours, textures, sizes, shapes and theme related […]
21 March 2014
The skies are bluer, the breeze is warmer, the flowers are blooming and cute, cuddly baby creatures are being born. Along with all these marvelous changes to our environment, it […]
5 February 2014
It can’t get simpler than this. A paper heart for any occasion from Valentines Day to just a everyday show of love, this love heart is sure to please the […]
5 February 2014
Toddlers and preschoolers need plenty of time to just run around and play – adventure playgrounds, parks and the beach are all great places for kids this age. If you […]
1 February 2014
A friend has recently told me about an organization whose mission it is to get adults reading to children at least 15 minutes each day.
29 January 2014
This question was recently posted on a social networking site I visit; “Just wondering if anyone has ideas for rewards/treats for a 3 year old boy? We’re using a rewards […]
12 December 2013
You’ve been blessed with a new little person in your world. At first everything is about coping and getting it right, but one day you are in your groove and […]
6 December 2013
For most adults, eye care is largely taken for granted. But when it comes to children, it can be difficult to know what to look for with regard to eye […]
1 December 2013
Do you have a stash of leftover bits from wrapping paper? Don’t like to throw them out but have no idea what to do with them? In this article I […]
6 November 2013
At each stage in a child’s development, your role as a parent changes. The support, encouragement and type of interaction your child needs from you is constantly adapting as he […]