Parenting & Child Development
As a parent you strive to provide an enabling environment, one that will support and extend a child’s development and learning and that ensures purposeful play. Tips and information to help you be a better parent.
11 November 2010
Now that the rain keeps falling, I thought you may like to learn some fun and funny poems about rain with your toddler RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY Mother Goose Rain, […]
24 October 2010
Children do not often get many opportunities to use scissors; either because we forget about them or because we are too scared to let them have a go. However, cutting […]
28 July 2010
The three-year-old is full of wonder and spends a lot of time watching, observing, and imitating. Their days are filled with busy exploration of their world. Become a part of […]
22 July 2010
You are your child’s first role model. You are your child’s first and best teacher. Your baby learns from observing you, how you interact with him and other people, and […]
20 July 2010
Have you ever wondered how to go about helping your child get to grips with the basics of numeracy? Here I cover some ideas for teaching your child about number […]
17 July 2010
Simply talking, singing, playing sound and word games, reading, writing and drawing with your child are easy ways to build a firm literacy foundation. Your usual everyday activities, like going to […]
2 July 2010
We find it normal when boys mess around with plastic popguns and girls play with floral patterned tea sets. But if they trade toys, most of us are overcome with […]
15 June 2010
We thought we’d look at Dad’s and how they can be better in their roles as parents. Father’s have an important role to play in the lives of their children. […]
1 June 2010
Developing your child’s Imagination and therefore their Imaginative play ability is easier than you think. Young children should be provided with opportunities to explore and share their ideas, feelings and […]
14 May 2010
This is a simple craft for young children. Using some basic materials and inspiration from nature, you can create a beautiful blossom branch to welcome the arrival of Spring.
7 May 2010
Teaching your toddler about being healthy , active and taking care of their bodies is so important and helps them to develop the habit of self-care. Fitness, good eating habits […]
1 May 2010
Ever wondered what you could be doing for your littlest ones to help them discover the joys of movement? Here are some age appropriate play ideas for learning about moving […]