How to Organise a Family Movie Night

How to make an easy Halloween Trick or Treat bag

Every year about a week or two before Halloween, we go pumpkin picking. Well, technically it’s not pumpkin picking, just choosing and buying as they are already cut from the plant and left lying in a field.
This year we chose to go to Millets Farm at Frilford in Oxfordshire. They had a huge selection of pumpkins for us to choose from and we spend a lot of time agonising over which were the perfect ones to grace our doorway as Jack o’ Lanterns. Each child got to choose their own pumpkin so it took extra long to finish our pumpkin picking as they kept spotting one that was just the little bit better… As you can see in the pictures, we actually ended up getting 4 pumpkins. One for each child and one for me! I do enjoy carving my own pumpkin too!
We took the pumpkins home to carve this year (they also sometimes provide a carving area which can be good as you aren’t left with any mess in your kitchen) and had great fun carving out our own individual designs.
Pumpkin picking at Millet’s Farm
I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.