I am two, so you can’t make me!

7 Reasons To Use Cloth Diapers Rather Than Disposables

Parents are always on the look-out for tools to help make potty training easier. One of the tools available is the potty training doll.
The Concept
Dolls that wet have been around for ages. The doll “drinks” a bottle of water and then wets into a diaper. The potty training doll is the same concept only it’s designed to “wet” when it’s held upright over a potty chair or toilet. The theory is, if the child sees the doll using the potty, she will get the idea and use the potty herself. There isn’t any hard and fast research either way on the effectiveness of the dolls in potty training a child.
Worth a Shot?
If the price of the doll is within your budget and you feel your child will respond positively to it, by all means give it a try. If, for some reason, your child doesn’t like it or is frightened by it, don’t use it again.
Anything that makes potty training easier should be explored and used if your child responds favorably to it.If you’re looking for a doll for your child, here’s just the one for you. Corolle has come out with a vanilla scented potty training doll called Emma. Emma is cute and cuddly to look at, dressed in pink and white, and comes with a potty, a feeding bottle and even a diaper. For those wishing to potty train a boy, there’s a doll called Paul – an anatomically correct boy baby doll Main features are:
– Corolle’s potty training dolls are of excellent quality
– There is a girl potty training doll Emma and a boy potty training doll Paul
– The potty training dolls come with lots of useful accessories
– The potty training process is simplified with the help of these dolls
– Both the potty training dolls are anatomically correct Both Emma and Paul are vanilla scented.
The potty training dolls come with their own feeding bottles and other accessories and has it’s own potty. Emma is dressed in baby pink and Paul is dressed in blue and Paul, the boy potty training doll, is anatomically correct Corolle dolls are of exceptionally good quality, and follow all the safety guidelines for dolls. I highly recommend Emma or Paul as a potty training doll for your child.
If you are looking for ideas and options for your training, this might be the answer.
About the Author: By Paul J James
Information provided by a class=”moz-txt-link-freetext” href=”http://www.pottytrainingtipsonline.com/”>http://www.pottytrainingtipsonline.com/
I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.