Parenting & Child Development
As a parent you strive to provide an enabling environment, one that will support and extend a child’s development and learning and that ensures purposeful play. Tips and information to help you be a better parent.
20 November 2009
Toddlers love glueing and this craft project will give them the opportunity to stick wooden lolly sticks onto a hedgehog body shape to create their own little woodland friend.
12 November 2009
Babies and toddlers learn to talk by listening. The more words they are exposed to, the quicker they learn to talk. Daily exposure to words helps the brain to develop. […]
10 November 2009
How To Teach Your Baby Sign Language by: Nicole Dean The word is spreading. Sign language is a great way to communicate with pre-verbal babies and toddler. New moms everywhere […]
10 November 2009
Use a few simple items to create magical miniature winter scenes in old glass jars. These make cute gifts for friends and family too.
5 November 2009
The 3in1 Harvest basket is an simple, adaptable craft which can be used to make a free-standing decoration for your sideboard, a greetings card, or even a set of place-card holders […]
3 November 2009
Fireworks of all kinds are used to celebrate Guy Fawkes and New Year’s Eve as well as many other celebration days. They can be designed to burn with coloured flames […]
29 October 2009
I don’t know about the area where you live but it seems that at the moment, where I live, every village has an apple or harvest festival scheduled. With many wonderful products to […]
28 October 2009
If you are keen to do some modelling and to make a decoration which will last a little longer than paper or card crafts, try making salt dough models. This is much […]
28 October 2009
Apples are a plenty at this time of year and for those looking to celebrate Harvest, here are some creative ideas to do just that with your toddler. This craft […]
27 October 2009
This is a very easy way to make a realistic looking leaf, using a real leaf as the template , a piece of paper and a crayon (or crayons). Read on […]
26 October 2009
During Harvest, our thoughts turn to pumpkins, apples and squashes. Here is the perfect toddler craft that is easily adapted to suit all three!
26 October 2009
Stage a spooky scene by assembling a colony of these winged creatures made from miniature pumpkins and craft foam.