Parenting & Child Development
As a parent you strive to provide an enabling environment, one that will support and extend a child’s development and learning and that ensures purposeful play. Tips and information to help you be a better parent.
19 October 2013
Are you tired of the usual carrot left for the reindeer? Tired of answering the “Do the reindeer come inside to eat the carrots?” question. The “why do we only […]
3 January 2013
Cold, wet and rainy days usually mean we head for cover and warmth indoors, but snow is a different story. Snow , for the most part, is greeted with excitement […]
9 November 2012
This is a great way for you to help your child to celebrate themselves. Children enjoy making and creating things about themselves. Children usually have a sense of pride in […]
7 November 2012
Help your child to learn the significance of writing. What it represents and means. Writing is a series of symbols. Children are able to memorise and recognise letters as they […]
5 November 2012
We have decided to do a series of activity and crafts articles to help you and your toddler make the most of the Nursery Rhymes we all know and love. […]
19 October 2012
Have you been wondering how to create or provide the opportunity for literacy development? Do you know that there are really simple and effective ways to do this in your […]
30 September 2012
Did you know that 38% of grade four students have reading abilities below the lowest basic level as determined by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)? The NAEP is […]
25 September 2012
So, you want to teach your child to read, but before a child can learn to read, he or she must first learn at least some of the letters […]
20 September 2012
Phonics is a necessary part of any good method of teaching children to read. Teaching Children phonics and helping them develop phonemic awareness is the key to mastering words, which […]
15 September 2012
Learning to read at a young age is important for the development of the child. It helps them develop a better understand of their surroundings, allows them to gather information […]
11 September 2012
Do you know what’s wrong with our children today? The problem is that the powerful brains of our healthy children are rarely challenged by complicated thoughts. Instead, they’re further dulled […]
10 September 2012
In our world, there have been some exceptionally brilliant minds, and many of these individuals learned to read at a young age, usually by 3 years old. Here are a […]