Riding the ShoeShoe Train

Jingle’s Tips for staying on the Nice List

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The adventures of Jingle, our Christmas Elf, Day 10
Wow! I can’t believe it’s already the 10th of December! I am embarrassed to confess I have done absolutely no Christmas shopping at all! yikes! I wonder if we can skip that bit this year? Think anyone would mind??
Anyhow, today Jingle was found sitting on the coffee table with all our nativity scene characters in a semi circle at his feet. He was reading to them from a children’s book called Pajama Elves. This is a super sweet little story about Elves whose job it is to make pajamas for children to receive on Christmas eve. Have a look here for more information about this lovely tradition.
The card asked that I read the story to the children at bedtime tonight and also hinted that they might be getting a magical pair of Christmas eve pyjamas this year.
Pajamas for Christmas Eve
- Chocolate Lollies for breakfast?
- Jingle reading to the nativity characters
- Pajama Elves picture book
- Jingle reading to the nativity characters
New pyjamas is something I usually do on Christmas eve anyway, and don’t judge me here, because I like the children to all look co-ordinated and lovely for the Christmas morning photos. Boring old, well used and sometimes hand me down pyjamas are NOT allowed. 🙂 I like to aim for Christmassy colours too but am not always successful. Let’s hope the pyjama elves find something suitable this year as it is their job now 😉
*Before you feel the need to correct my spelling!
For your info: you will notice that I have used US spelling; pajamas and UK spelling; pyjamas. They are the same thing..just different spelling !
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I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.