Autumn leaves are falling down…

Spider Sing-along Songs

Have some fun with Spiders. Enjoy creating these webs with your little one.
Table of Contents
Spaghetti Spiderwebs
What you need:
Cooked Spaghetti (cold)
White glue
Wax paper
What to do:
Children dip the spaghetti into the glue and arrange the pieces onto the wax paper.
When the spaghetti has dried, carefully peel the “web” off of the wax paper.
Add a small plastic or paper spider to complete the look.
Hang from the ceiling or against a window.
* If you want different coloured webs, use a few drops of food colouring in the water when you boil the spaghetti!
Puffy Paint Spiderwebs
What you need:
- Equal parts of Flour, salt and water
- Squeeze bottles
- Black paper
- Spider (homemade or plastic)
What to do:
Mix equal parts of flour, salt, and water in a large bowl.
Pour the mixture into squeeze bottles.
Give each child a black paper plate or a piece of black construction paper.
Let the children squeeze the white puffy paint onto the black paper.
When the puffy paint dries, it will look like glittery spider webs.
Then add a cut-out or plastic spider to the web.
*You could make the webs colourful by adding a few drops of food colouring to the mix.
Glitter Spider Webs
What you need:
Black paper
- glitter in desired colours
- PVA glue or other runny glue in squeeze bottles
What to do:
- Draw a web on a piece of black paper (an x across the whole paper with a spiral or circles starting in the middle of the x an extending to the edges of the paper).
- Cover the lines with glue.
- Sprinkle on some silver glitter, and shake off the excess.
- Then attach a spider to the middle of their web.
Woven Paper Plate Webs
What you need:
- a paper plate
- Scissors and or Hole punch
- wool/string/yarn
What to do:
Using a paper plate, either punch holes around the plate or make slits around the plate – slits are easier for younger children.
Use some wool/string or yarn and weave back and forth to make a spider web.
Place a spider in the web.
*If you punched holes, put some celotape on one end – making it easier to put it through the holes.
Blow Paint Spider Webs
What you need:
Black paint
- Straws
- paper
What to do:
Use runny black paint and using a straw, blow the paint across the page to make a spider’s web pattern.
Stick spider and bugs stickers onto the finished web.
* For a variation, use white paint on black paper.
Marble rolling Spider web
What you need:
Black Construction Paper
Round cake tin
White Paint
- Marble
What to do:
Cut a piece of construction paper to fit into the bottom of the cake pan.
Place about a half teaspoon of white paint in the middle of the paper.
Drop the marble into the cake pan and tilt the pan back and forth. As the marble passes through the paint it leaves trails of white on the paper.
I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.