Spider Sing-along Songs

Easy Halloween Bats to make

Some seriously simple and cheap spider craft ideas for you to make with your preschooler.
Table of Contents
Spider Headbands:
What you need:
- Band of paper to fit around child’s head (colour of choice)
- strips of paper for legs
- Glue
- scissors
- stapler
- For the eyes: buttons, small pom poms, construction paper, markers, crayons, etc
What to do:
- Make a band out of paper to fit around your child’s head. Glue or staple the ends together.
- Cut 8 strips of paper for legs.
- Glue in such a way that they go up out of the top of the band.
- Bend each leg down to make a knee and at the end; bend it up to make a foot.
- To make eyes and a mouth on the front to the band; use your choice of buttons, small yarn pom poms, construction paper, markers, crayons, etc.
* Be creative…These don’t have to be black! Spiders come in many colours.
Handprint spider
What you need:
- Black paper or paint
- scissors
- googly eyes or ringbinder paper reinforcements
What to do:
- Draw around the child’s hands on black construction paper or print their hand onto paper.
- Cut out the hands, cutting off the thumbs.
- Place the hands one palm on top of the other with fingers going out to both sides. Palms are the body, fingers the legs.
- Glue together.
- Add two gummed paper reinforcements for eyes.
*These are great either hanging from a string or fishing line from the ceiling or glued on a spider web.
Egg Box Spider
What you need:
- Cardboard egg box
- Black pipe cleaners
- Black tempera paint
- marker or crayons
- Red construction paper or googly eyes
- Glue
- Thread or yarn.
What to do:
- Using paint, marker or crayons, colour the cup sections of the egg carton.
- Cut each egg cup apart so that you have 6 small cup shapes.
- Turn the cup over so that the open end is on the table top.
- Make 8 small holes around the ‘body’
- Push pipe cleaner legs into holes and bend to shape legs.
- Cut red paper into eye shapes or use googly eye and glue on.
- Push a small hole through the top of the spider and attach string or thread to hang.
Paper Plate Spiders
What you need:
- paper plates
- paper cut into strips
- black paint or markers
- stickers, googly eyes, pom poms for eyes
What to do:
- Paint/ colour paper plates black.
- Fold paper strips accordian style for legs
- When dry, add eight legs
- Add eyes
* This especially good to do with younger children as they are so simple!
Thumbprint Spiders
What you need:
- Ink pads
- Paper
- Black markers/pencils or crayons
What to do:
- Press thumb on black stamp pad.
- Print thumbprint onto paper
- Add legs with thin black marker.
*If you cut them out, they can put their spiders in ready-made webs, in the house plants, in the house.
I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.