Parenting & Child Development
As a parent you strive to provide an enabling environment, one that will support and extend a child’s development and learning and that ensures purposeful play. Tips and information to help you be a better parent.
20 January 2015
We’re really getting into our letters! This week, it is the letter D. I do hope you’re enjoying using some of the ideas in my previous How to Teach posts. […]
13 January 2015
It’s time to take a look at how to teach the letter m. We’re mmmmotoring through the letters now.. see what I did there? Here are some fun and easy […]
6 January 2015
Learning letters can be a little boring for little people, so I have tried to put in as many fun ways to learn as possible. This week we are looking […]
19 December 2014
The adventures of Jingle, Our Christmas Elf Day 19: Jingle obviously decided we had not decorated our home enough for his liking. We found him in the kitchen sitting in […]
16 December 2014
Get a circular wreath shape. There are ones made from florists foam, willow sticks, polystyrene, and plastic. All you need to make sure of is that it can have wires […]
12 December 2014
The Adventures of Jingle , Our Christmas Elf Day 12 Today Jingle was found sitting on the windowsill in the kitchen inside a sleigh ornament. He had put Christmas hat […]
11 December 2014
Each of my children has their own collection of decorations for the Christmas tree. Every year they are allowed to choose a new one from the shops to add to […]
25 November 2014
Teaching sounds and letters should be fun for both you and your child. Use art and crafts, physical activity and experiences to make the letter more real to your child. […]
19 November 2014
Do you think your child doesn’t listen? Recently a plea for help was made on social media by a mother who had been told her 2 and a half year […]
18 November 2014
Have some fun teaching your little one all, about the letter ‘p’ with these fun activities. Forget about being formal and sitting around looking at letters..these activities are creative and […]
11 November 2014
Here are a few ideas that will help you teach the first letter of the alphabet.
6 November 2014
Positive School experience Sometimes it is difficult to know how to make school and going to school a more positive experience for your child. Having a positive experience of school […]