Let’s make Butterflies

10 Sheep-themed Things to Make and Do

You can make this farmyard favourite using cotton wool and paper. It is great as part of a display or just as a sweet activity to do with your young child.
Age Group: 3years+
Table of Contents
What you need:
- Sheet of black paper
- Glue
- White pencil or chalk
- Cotton wool balls
What to do:
- Draw a sheep outline on the paper using white pencil or chalk.
- Have your toddler stick balls of fluffy white cotton wool onto the sheep shape.
- Remember to leave a little space clear as the head.
- You can draw or stick eyes onto the head.
- You can then complete the scene by adding grass, flowers and bugs.
- Sing Baa Baa Black sheep and Mary had a Little Lamb while you are doing this activity.
- Show your child pictures of sheep in books or online
- Visit a farm before you do this as an introduction to sheep or do this first and then follow with a visit to a farm.
- Discuss where wool comes from and what we use if for.
- Remember that you can use chalk to add details to black paper.
I am a preschool and primary school teacher and mum to 3 children. I have been involved in education since 1997 and have trained in a variety of educational specialist areas. It is with this expertise that I write articles to help parents and educators provide quality learning experiences for the children in their care.