Parenting & Child Development
As a parent you strive to provide an enabling environment, one that will support and extend a child’s development and learning and that ensures purposeful play. Tips and information to help you be a better parent.
23 October 2009
Some seriously simple and cheap spider craft ideas for you to make with your preschooler.
22 October 2009
Nursery Rhymes Series Part 1: We have decided to do a series of activity and crafts articles to help you and your toddler make the most of the Nursery Rhymes we […]
22 October 2009
Get a little silly with these Spidery Songs. They are sung to the tunes of well known songs so they should be easy for your toddler to learn!
22 October 2009
Have some fun with Spiders. Enjoy creating these webs with your little one.
20 October 2009
Use your toddler’s favourite songs and change the words to an autumn theme. These are from a toddler group we attend…
20 October 2009
Get your little ones up and moving with this harvest song sung to the tune of London Bridge. Age group: 1 year + What you need: Gather clean dry leaves (you […]
16 October 2009
A Rangoli is a bright and colourful design usually made on the floor near the entrance to a house to welcome guests. At Diwali, Hindus draw bright Rangoli patterns to […]
16 October 2009
The Diya is a common feature of the celebrations which accompany the festival of lights or Diwali. This is a simple way to make paper diya decorations to hang in the […]
16 October 2009
Flowers are such fun to make and children find them really satisfying. Whether you are making them to celebrate the arrival or spring, as gifts for someone special, for a […]
16 October 2009
During Autumn and Winter, we spend more time indoors and the days get dark and long. Many festivals and special events are celebrated around this time and candles or lights […]
10 October 2009
…I Learned in Kindergarten … (a guide for Global Leadership) All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned […]
9 October 2009
With the colder weather setting in, teach your little one about taking care of garden animals like birds by making bird feeder snacks.